Cat Woman

FELINE FANCY Cats are finicky, complicated and mysterious

What is it with women and cats? Egyptian cat-goddess Bast had the body of a woman and head of a cat. Norse goddess Freya rides a chariot drawn by cats.

The black cat is a branded witch follower. Film critic John Simon admitted, “I have found my love of cats most helpful in understanding women.”

All over the world women outnumber men as cat owners. Oh, ok, “as every cat-owner knows, nobody owns a cat”, but when was the last time you saw a picture of a man cuddling a cat? Would you recognise Barbara Cartland without the cat on her lap?

“Guess most women like cats because they’re clean, cozy and compact,” said Vasanthi Rajiv of Blue Cross.

“Have you noticed that women who keep cats are also like them? Perfectly groomed all the time, a bit aloof and formal, neat and precise. Oh well, everything I’m not!”

Sudha Alalasundaram, “mother” of several stray cats sees a definite affinity between the species. “Maybe because they’re easier to take care of and make less noise. You hardly notice them around.” Yes, they are possessive and exhibit a strong independent streak. “But they cuddle up, and are loyal in their own way. They wait for me and follow me around.”

Yin appeal, says Devika(t) Khazvini. “Cats are graceful, individual, independent and also (which you only discover if intimately acquainted with them), immensely courageous and forbearing - qualities women identify with. I think men are more comfortable with the obvious unconditional loyalty of dogs, whereas women appreciate a cat’s need for space, and refusal to be “on call”. Hey, women love beautiful things and cats are undeniably beautiful!”

While a man and his frisbee-chasing dog is a macho picture, claws are out when it comes to a cat-woman relationship. Cat-owned is to be pigeon-holed. You’ve heard the crack, “My husband said it was him or the cat... I miss him sometimes.”

Women who adopt cats are socially inadequate.

They substitute cat-love for a real relationship. A single woman with cats will show interest in a man only after he impresses her feline friends.

Women use cats as “guy meters” – they believe cats can sniff out a bad guy. She may be a sex kitten but a single woman is likely to be told: “You’ll end up living alone with cats.”

Women love cats?

Here’s why. Cats are finicky. They are complicated, mysterious, and totally unpredictable.

They whine when unhappy, play alone, expect you to cater to their every whim. They’re moody, drive you nuts and cost an arm and a leg.

Conclusion: They’re little women in cheap fur coats. An idea made indelible by movie plots.

Halle Berry’s “Catwoman” has the strength, speed, agility and ultra-keen senses of a cat. Why is she also stealthy, leaning toward evil? A wildcat — dangerous and elusive? Why is Batman’s catwoman the way she is?

Gender differences do exist in how people view this puzzling species, says a British survey. Men took their cat as a good friend, while women said they thought of them as babies.

Men chose “independent spirit” as the animal’s most desirable trait; for women that was a cat’s least desirable characteristic.

“I gave Dev, my god-like cat with movie-star looks the best home you can think of,” said Tara Rao.

“The rascal ran away, came back a couple of times and then pushed off never to return!” Some of Sudha’s cats too have chosen to be hobos.

Men do like cats. Even when it’s Garfield.

There is a who’s who list of famous catlords from Alexandre Dumas to Winston Churchill. Hemingway and Mark Twain had eight each, T.S. Eliot four.

“I know many male cat lovers,” said Devika. “Possibly men comfortable with the Yin side of themselves. Many men become converts once their wives/kids care for cats, and their numbers are on the rise.”

In Tara’s joint family of cats and dogs, male members smother cats with affection. “Ringo would rub dad’s nose with his, first thing every morning.

When dad had a minor toe surgery, Butterball sat next to his chair for four days. Dad always sits there reading the paper, but till his bandage came off, the cat wouldn’t leave! You have to be demonstrative in your love for cats.”

Men out there, get a cat and a lot of good things might follow. The survey shows women love men with cats.

Cats give them an aura of being nice, caring and sensitive.

Oh, fine, said a guy, but needed clarification.

“Cats are arrogant, self-sufficient, smart and vulnerable, yet women adore them, put up with cattitude. Why do they try to change men?”

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